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Sample Policy: Anti-Discrimination Guidelines

Since it is the Company’s intent to provide Equal Opportunity for all persons in employment and its policy requires that all qualified applicants for employment will be recruited, hired and assigned without regard to race, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, handicap, height, weight, marital status, disability or union affiliation (or lack thereof) or any other status protected by Federal, State or local laws. The employment policies and practices of the Company have been and will continue to ensure that all qualified employees are treated equally with no discrimination in compensation, opportunities for advancement (including promotions and transfers), training and discipline based on any protected status.

The Company will not condone, permit or tolerate discrimination as described above against employees in any manner whatsoever. Persons who engage in such discrimination will be subject to appropriate discipline up to and including termination of employment.

Employees who believe that they have been subject to discrimination should immediately bring it to the attention of their supervisor or the department manager. If you have any question as to whether certain conduct is unlawful discrimination, you are strongly encouraged to speak with either of these individuals.

Supervisors who receive complaints about sexual harassment or who are made aware of conduct constituting discrimination are required to notify the Human Resources Manager, Vice President (or if appropriate, the President in place of the Vice President or HR Manager).

All complaints will be investigated promptly, and the existence and nature of a complaint will be disclosed only to the extent necessary to make a prompt and thorough investigation or as may be necessary to take appropriate corrective measures. In all cases, the person who initiated this procedure will be informed of the findings and the disposition if the matter at the conclusion of the investigation. Further, management will ensure that there is no coercion, retaliation, intimidation, or harassment directed against any employee who registers a complaint or serves as a witness on behalf of another employee.

The prohibitions against unlawful discrimination also may apply to non-employees with whom employees have come into contact in connection with their employment with us. Consequently, if you feel discriminated against by a non-employee in connection with employment, you should use the procedure outlined above.

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